
Health, safety and qualityHealth, safety and quality


By the Numbers—2022

At Toll Brothers, we are dedicated to minimizing our impact on the environment by embracing responsible land development and planning processes and building homes that more efficiently utilize resources. Some of our fiscal year 2022 highlights include:

land use and ecological impacts
IF-HB-160a.1Number of lots and homes delivered on redevelopment sites9901,2642,223
IF-HB-160a.2Number of lots and homes delivered in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress4,7021,4743,278
IF-HB-160a.3Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with environmental regulations$0$0$1,500
IF-HB-160a.4Discussion of process to integrate environmental considerations into site selection, site design, and site development, and constructionClick here
design for resource efficency
IF-HB-410a.1(1) Number of homes that obtained a certified HERS Index Score and (2) average score(1) 2,681
(2) 60
(1) 3,422
(2) 60
(1) 3,387
(2) 60
IF-HB-410a.2Percent of installed water fixtures certified to WaterSense specifications**80%84%78%
IF-HB-410a.3Number of homes delivered certified to a third-party multi-attribute green building standard:
LEED*32 units19 units641 units
Green Globes*444 units
Green by NGBS*290 units
Florida Green Building Coalition43 units55 units
Energy Star293
IF-HB-410a.4Description of risks and opportunities related to incorporating resource efficency into home design and description of how benefits are communicated to customersClick here
community impacts of new developments
IF-HB-410b.1Description of how proximity and access to infrastructure, services, and economic centers affect site selection and development decisionsClick here
IF-HB-410b.2Number of lots and homes delivered on infill sites1,374 lots1,763 lots3,093 lots
IF-HB-410b.3Number of homes delivered in compact developments
Multi-family rental units*1,4881,0752,111
Multi-family for-sale units*259319
IF-HB-410b.3Average density of compact developments
Multi-family rental units/acre*658169
Multi-family for-sale units/acre*285256274
climate change adaptation
IF-HB-420a.2Description of climate change risk exposure analysis, degree of systematic portfolio exposure, and strategies for mitigating risksClick here
energy efficiency
Number of Energy Star Appliances delivered in calendar year3,02910,3725,227
sustainable products
Number of units delivered in calendar year with solar panels selected by buyers1,3391,6171,691
Number of electric car charging options enabled8919131,820
corporate operational efficiencies
Reduction in transit miles for production/shipping of printed marketing materials
Orders diverted to local vendors260252372
Reduction of transit miles per order2,0002,0002,000
Paper recycled company-wide98.2 tons137.9 tons134.0 tons
*Current tracking includes only those homes built in high-density communities (primarily Apartment Living and City Living units).
**For 2023, data is for CY 2023 and includes an updated method of estimation.
For important information regarding the data in this report, click here.


By the Numbers—FY 2023

Small steps, big impact—our collective efforts add up to meaningful results. Some of our FY 2023 highlights include:

board diversity
Racial/Ethnic minority30%†30%†27%†
employee diversity
Women – Employee41.0%40.3%40.8%
Women – Manager+30.2%31.5%33.0%
Racial/Ethnic minority – Employee22.5%24.4%24.9%
Racial/Ethnic minority – Manager+13.4%15.7%16.7%
Health & Safety
IF-HB-320a.1Total recordable injury rate (TRIR, employees)*2.552.281.90
IF-HB-320a.1Fatality rate (employees)0%0%0%
employee engagement
Average tenure (excludes temporary employees)6.3 years6.3 years7.0 years
employee engagement survey
% that said Toll Brothers is a great place to work87%87%86%
*TRIR = Total Number of Recordable Cases x 200,000 divided by total hours worked by all employees during the year covered
†As of the date of the company’s most recent shareholder meeting.
For important information regarding the data included in this report, click here.


IF-HB-000.aNumber of controlled lots80,86776,04970,664
IF-HB-000.bNumber of homes delivered9,98610,5159,597
IF-HB-000.cNumber of active selling communities (FYE)340348370
Average delivered home price$844,400$923,600$1,028,000
Average price in backlog (FYE)$992,100$1,095,800$1,055,800
Home sales revenues$8.4B$9.7B$9.9B
Net signed contract value$11.5B$9.1B$7.9B
Number of homes under contract12,4728,2558,077
For important information regarding the data included in this report, click here.